People and Programs
Events & Traditions
Lively social activities, cultural events, and visits by renowned guest speakers are hallmarks of the International House experience. Dinners, dance and musical performances, art exhibitions, and forums for debate and discussion are among the many activities residents enjoy each year. Traditions include Supper, Fall Fiesta, All Nations, Cultural Hours, Salon Nights, and Resident Roundtables. The events cover a broad range of outlooks and interests, exposing residents to diverse points of view, cultures, and traditions.
Background image: Candlelight Sunday Supper, 2018.
During Salon Nights, residents perform music, dance, and more. Home Room, 2004.
Initially called National Nights, Cultural Hours allow residents to celebrate and share their cultures and identities with the I-House community. Japanese Cultural Hour, 1990.
From 1924 through the 1960s, the House held a “Hallowe’en Festival” in which residents celebrated the House’s cultural diversity. Photo, circa 1940.
Salon Night, 2013
During the Night of Nations/All Nations Celebration, residents educate each other about their home countries and culture. Pan-African Booth, 1983.
Residents perform in traditional costumes during Indian Cultural Hour. Davis Hall, 1993.
At Fall Fiesta, residents participate in an International Fashion Parade wearing traditional costumes. Group photo with Herman Rottenberg, 2003.
Fall Fiesta’s predecessor, the Festival of the Arts, showcased residents performing and presenting works of art. Arts competition, 1956.
Residents often meet to discuss political and social issues, exchanging ideas and perspectives. Panel discussion, 1956.
During the Candlelight Sunday Supper, a candle is passed from resident to resident, symbolizing mutual goodwill and understanding. First Candlelight Sunday Supper at I-House, 1925.
Residents, who have never shied from discussion or debate, hold numerous panels and roundtables every year. International Forum on Tiananmen and Beyond flyer, 1989.
The purpose of early festivals at I-House was to socialize and raise money for “Teas and Flowers.” Admission ticket, 1927.
All Nations’ predecessor, Night of Nations, was a multi-faceted and dynamic event for residents to experience different cultures through performances, displays, and cuisine. Program, 1983.
One of the oldest traditions, the Candlelight Sunday Supper, was first hosted by the House’s predecessor, the Intercollegiate Cosmopolitan Club. Invitation, 1922.